Welcome to TransferMation!

TransferMation helps fast-track you to success on every level! Transfer students have two or so years to build a successful college experience… you still need to find the right opportunities, track down new information and resources and hopefully find a job by the time you graduate. 

Below you'll find resources and ideas to help you optimize your campus life, reach your full potential and get career-ready.  We encourage you to try every challenge.

If you don't find what you need here, please email me at budnicke@wcsu.educreate new email or give me a call at (203) 837-8567 and I'll work to help you find the right tools and resources for you.  You can also stop by and find me in the Ancell Commons, Westside Classroom Building Suite 433. 

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Connect with friends, build your network, manage your time.


Hint: Find Your Tribe

School is where you begin to build your professional network and where you meet the people who will likely be your tribe for years to come.  Do not just leave campus after classes!  Make the effort to meet and build relationships with your classmates, academic advisor, and your professors.  Connect through group projects, club activities or service opportunities for a start.

Below, read the article about the best places to make friends in college.

Hint: Manage Time Wisely

Prioritize important weekly tasks and make your downtime count by choosing activities that enrich or fulfill you . . .  and then cut back on social media, gaming or streaming movies. Reward yourself with activities that are meaningful to you and bring real enjoyment to your life. Hours on social media may not make you as happy as a scheduled dinner with friends.

Below, check out some of WCSU's favorite places for learning, recreation and connection.


Screenshot of Thomas Frank

Learn to use available resources and develop positive habits

Hint: Use Available Campus Resources

Learn to ask for assistance when you need it and that includes tutoring, AccessAbility services, and health and wellness programs like Western Rec.

Hint: Study Smarter

How do you study? Active learning means taking control of class content by doing something with that content. Don't let information control you! The Ancell Commons has tons of ideas and resources to help you study like a boss leaving more time for the fun stuff.

Hint: Show up

Show up for yourself by practicing self-discipline and adopting effective habits. Show up for class prepared and ready to participate. Show up to learn new skills and take advantage of opportunities that enrich your education.



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Add new skills and experiences to build your resume. 


Hint: Get Ready for Your Career

The first step in planning your future is in knowing and evaluating your interests, skills and strengths by taking the FOCUS 2 Inventory Assessment below. Next, learn about the eight competencies of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) by clicking to download their ‘Career Ready Poster’ and then compare your current experiences. Which ones would you like to improve upon? Use our College Action Plan worksheet to strategically implement and find new experiences that will help you create a competitive resume.

Hint: Internships & Study Abroad

Once you get settled at WCSU, participate in an internship or even study abroad. You will be surprised by the flexibility these programs offer with micro-internships and short-term travel opportunities, along with the traditional options.

Hint: Ancell Leads and So Should You!

67% of employers are looking for leadership skills in their new hires, according to NACE.  Clubs are a great way to develop your leadership style and fine-tune your skills before entering the workforce. Check out the article below to help identify more  leadership opportunities at WCSU.