Justice and Law Administration : Master of Science in Homeland Security

Homeland Security Courses

The courses are shown in the curriculum below to achieve five DHS missions while integrating theory with practice. At the end of the program, students are expected to develop expertise in counterterrorism, immigration policies, and cybersecurity while understanding leadership's significance in emergency management and response.


Course ID Title Cr Semester Instructor
JLA 505 Homeland Security: Organization & Policy 3 SH FALL Stephanie Mizrahi
JLA 510 Geopolitics and Homeland Security Strategy 3 SH FALL Marty Lindenmayer
JLA 525 Data Analytics and GIS for Homeland Security Professionals 3 SH SPRING Abdullah Cihan
JLA 530 Terrorism: Intelligence Analysis and Critical Thinking 3 SH SPRING Divya Sharma
JLA 545 Strategic Planning and Budgeting for Homeland Security 3 SH SUMMER Bieu Tran
JLA 555 Cyber Security of the Homeland 3 SH SUMMER Bieu Tran
JLA 600 Transportation and Border Security 3 SH FALL Jimmy Albrecht
JLA 610 Public Health Disaster Science and Crisis Management 3 SH FALL Tina Bynum
JLA 620 Security Threat Analysis on Critical Infrastructure and WMD 3 SH SPRING Stephanie Mizrahi
JLA 630 Advanced Legal Issues in Homeland Security 3 SH SPRING Terry Dwyer
JLA 640 Contemporary Issues in Homeland Security (Human Rights) 3 SH SUMMER Jessica Schofield
JLA 650 Homeland Security Capstone Project 3 SH SUMMER Hasan Arslan
TOTAL 36 credits 10 instructors

Course Descriptions