excellent academic experiences

Western Connecticut State University provides students with excellent academic experiences as well as a wide range of co-curricular experiences. Each complement and supplement the student’s academics and create a strong living-learning experience.

Academic program assessment facilitates continuous improvement of student learning by identifying how the curriculum is contributing to student academic success. Knowing and understanding the extent to which students are meeting program objectives allows faculty to make necessary changes if gaps in curricular have been identified. It is the overall goal of the university to graduate students with a well-rounded liberal arts education, prepared to work and succeed in an ever-changing global society. The Department of Student Affairs programs assessment provides opportunities to monitor the co-curricular experience and guides the University in developing and improving services and programs to meet the needs of the students. The assessment process consists of identifying student learning outcomes, developing an assessment plan with methodology, and collecting and analyzing relevant data.

University Institutional Outcomes = developed to articulate the knowledge students should have learned upon graduation.

Program outcomes = developed to articulate the knowledge acquisition students are expected to learn in their program of choice.

WCSU Systematic Assessment

  • Classroom Level
  • Classroom Evaluation

    Every year, professors collect classroom evaluations to assess coursework, teaching, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve coursework and learning environments. 

  • Department Level
  • Academic Department Assessment

    Annual reports examine factors that contribute to student learning. These include: student retention and graduation, advising, department assessment processes, curriculum development, faculty development, and department goals.

  • General Education
  • General Education Competencies

    Our course-based competencies ensure all undergraduate students develop professional skills through the exploration of a wide range of disciplines. All gen-ed courses are evaluated regularly to ensure our courses meet learning outcomes.

  • Institutional Tools
  • National and Regional Measures

    We use national surveys like the NSSE and Pulse to see how we are measuring up compared to other universities. We also look at retention, graduation rates, and how our students are doing post-graduation.

Classroom Evaluation

Every year, professors collect classroom evaluations to assess coursework, teaching, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve coursework and learning environments. 

Academic Department Assessment

Annual reports examine factors that contribute to student learning. These include: student retention and graduation, advising, department assessment processes, curriculum development, faculty development, and department goals.

General Education Competencies

Our course-based competencies ensure all undergraduate students develop professional skills through the exploration of a wide range of disciplines. All gen-ed courses are evaluated regularly to ensure our courses meet learning outcomes.

National and Regional Measures

We use national surveys like the NSSE and Pulse to see how we are measuring up compared to other universities. We also look at retention, graduation rates, and how our students are doing post-graduation.

Academic Program Review Process

Information Gathering | Appraisal | Planning

Institutional Learning Outcomes

Our University Learning Objectives were developed by the University Senate Assessment Committee.  They are designed to encompass the culmination of learning experiences across schools, majors, and disciplines.  The Learning Objectives are assessed through measurement tools collected across the university, through the general education curriculum, and by each school and department.  There are five learning objectives which are modeled after the American Association of College and Universities’ Value Rubrics

Approved by the University Senate Spring 2022


Creative Thinking

Curiosity & Intellectual Engagement

Global Learning

Integrative Learning