Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Training – On Demand

If you were unable to attend summer workshops, please access the on-demand recordings on this page. To view videos, WCSU Login is required.


Track 1: Effective Online Learning Design Fundamentals

Session 1: Introduction to Online Learning

    • Online/hybrid course best  practices and key online student success factors.

Session 2: Online Course Quality Checklist

    • Research-based practices and standards checklist to evaluate online your course.

Track 2: Online Course Design

Session 3: Introduction to Backward Design (Part 1)

    • Model for course design that starts with the end results and works backward to the learning strategies, content, & technology resulting in an aligned course

Session 4: Backward Design: Assessing Student Learning (Part 2)

    • Approaches to learning assessments in the online and hybrid classroom.

Session 5: Backward Design: Designing Engaging Learning Environments (Pt 3)

    • Online and digital pedagogy approaches to help your learners succeed.

Session 15: Creating Effective Writing Assignments to Support Course Goals (Part 1)

    • Assignment design and alternatives to the traditional academic research paper, including shorter assignments, assignments that build on one another, and low-stakes writing.

Session 16: Designing Rubrics and Providing Feedback for Writing Assignments (Part 2)

    • Different types of rubrics and strategies for commenting on writing to maximize student learning while minimizing instructor frustration.

Track 3: Content and Course Building

Session 6: Developing and Curating Course Content

    • Sources for learning content for your course and equitable access to digital learning materials.

Session 7: Blackboard course template

    • Maximize the new Blackboard course template to design your course with consistency and structure.

Track 4: Course delivery/facilitation (Teaching Online) 

Session 8: Creating community and engaging your online students

    • Explore instructor presence and discuss techniques that you can use to keep your students engage and learning with or without face-to-face meetings.

Session 9: Blackboard Tools

    • Explore using tests, rubrics, the Grade Center and the Kaltura video tools, Attendance, Course Calendar and Date Management.

Session 10: Synchronous Meeting Tools

    • In-depth look at effective ways to use the synchronous meeting tools that will be available to you in the fall.

Session 17: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

    • Learn about Blackboard’s integrated meeting tool for audio/video, content sharing, breakout rooms, and more.

Track 5 Instructional Technology Tools

Session 12: Blackboard Basics

    • Learn about adding items to the menu; uploading files, videos and images; creating announcements; creating assignments.

Session 18: Blackboard Basics (WCSU Navigation Template Version)

    • Learn how to add menu items, and and edit content, assignments and discussions, send announcements, and use the Grade Center.  This session is taught using the WCSU Blackboard Navigation Template.

Session 13: Kaltura Capture

    • Record your voice and/or video with your PowerPoint or course lectures.
    • Embed quizzes and learn how to upload your videos to Blackboard and request closed captioning.

Session 19: Blackboard Tests

    • Learn how to create and manage tests and quizzes in Blackboard.

Session 14: Blackboard Ally Accessibility Tools

    • Ally is a Blackboard tool that helps make every document accessible to students, who may have disabilities, learning challenges, or learning preferences.

Session 20: Blackboard Grade Center

    • Learn how to set up and manage grades in the Blackboard Grade Center.