Writing Center

MLA, APA, Chicago


Style Guides



Modern Language Association (MLA) Style and Documentation Resources

Need help with MLA? Look for an MLA handbook! Make sure to stay up on newest editions!

Official Website: https://www.mla.org/MLA-Style

MLA Formatting and Style from Purdue OWL




American Psychological Association (APA) Style and Documentation Resources

APA Formatting Style from Purdue OWL

Note: If you are working on a capstone or senior thesis in Communication, please use the official APA website: 

APA (American Psychological Association) Style


Chicago Manual of Style (CMS, CMOS) Style and Documentation Resources

Chicago Style website

Chicago Style from Purdue OWL

 General Writing Concerns

Need to brush up on your grammar? Check out this fun and engaging resource! 

Grammar Girl’s clear explanations of grammar and writing issues

  Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) links

Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL): A great resource for a broad range of writing concerns