
Success Story – Peter Tragni

I started my collaboration with WCSU in 1983. I first received a Bachelor’s Degree in History, then, a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling from WCSU.

Now, I am now pursuing an EdD in Instructional Leadership. So, for 40 years, Westconn has been in my life. The staff and curriculum have positioned me to excel in all my chosen endeavors.

WCSU has always been flexible with my military and Police schedules and continues to be accommodating. I have been internationally recognized by the Infantry Association with the Order of Saint Maurice for my mental health work with soldiers and, most recently, I was inducted into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame.

Completing the Doctorate in Instructional Leadership and the administrative certification will allow me to have impact on a greater audience as I continue my career in counseling, safety, and school leadership.