
“Change is the only constant in life. One's ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life.”  

      Benjamin Franklin

What is Adaptability?

Adaptability is having the capacity to adjust to shifting environments, situations and work requirements. These adjustments ideally should leave a net positive affect in the workplace and reflect a desire for lifelong learning.

WCSU Opportunities to Grow your Adaptability Skills

Compassion Competency

How can I demonstrate my adaptability skills to a potential employer?

You can demonstrate adaptability by learning a broad range of skills in your field, this can be easily done through WCSU organizations or online learning platforms like Coursera. Becoming certified on those skills can take you even farther. Showcasing fluency of multiple languages or even sign language can also showcase your ability to adapt. For more personalized advice you can come visit us at the Career Success Center.

Sample Activity 


You identify methods to make changes work instead of how those changes will not work.

"As a manager of a small team, changes in personnel can easily disrupt our current pace of work. When we get a new addition to our team, I like to have them shadow the rest of the team for a bit before starting on their work to reduce any of those disruptions."

You show willingness to learn new procedures and methodologies.

"When training new employees, the same training process that worked on previous employees may not work on the new ones. When this happens, I try to learn about the trainee and personalize the process to increase their understanding."

You actively explore new methods, practices, and techniques to improve your performance.

"Doing paperwork in the office is often just a lot of tedious work that takes quite a bit of time to complete. Sometimes I use that as a chance to experiment with new ways to save a few seconds or even minutes on each document. It can vary from using some new hotkeys or commands to using entirely new software or hardware."