
“A professional is one who does his best work when he feels the least like working.”  

      Frank Lloyd Wright

What is Professionalism?

Professionalism is the ability to understand and demonstrate effective work habits and act in the interest of the greater community. Proficiency in this competency also entails being able to learn from previous mistakes and improve because of them.

WCSU Opportunities to Grow your Professional Skills

Compassion Competency

How can I demonstrate my professionalism to a potential employer?

Maintaining a professional public image is a key component in impressing employers. Luckily there are lots of great tools to do so such as LinkedIn and Brand Yourself. Showcasing your experience and skills on platforms like LinkedIn can greatly improve your professional image. At the Career Success, we can help you develop these profiles and much more to show off your professionalism.

Sample Activity 


You acknowledge and learn from mistakes with integrity and ethical behavior. You act responsibility with the interest of not just yourself, but the larger community in mind.

"As soon as I realize something went wrong, I try my hardest to correct it within that time. If it affects other things in my work area, I let my coworkers know ahead of time, so it doesn't negatively affect the completion of other tasks."

You understand the importance of non-verbal communication in a professional setting.

"Body language is important! Even when I'm feeling down or upset, I try to display friendless in my body language and nonverbally through my tone and expressions."

You consistently arrive on time, work productively with others, have a strong work ethic and manage your time well.

"I have to set various alarms to ensure my punctuality. Something that helps me with with being productive is finding one part of a task that I find most intriguing and interesting and getting motivation through that to give my best efforts in the work I'm doing."

You prioritize and complete tasks to accomplish organizational goals and consistently meet or exceed goals and expectations.

"When my supervisor gives me a new assignment or special project I immediately get started on it and set my schedule at the office around prioritizing that assignment."

You have strong attention to detail, resulting in few if any errors in their work and show a high level of dedication toward doing a good job.

"Whether its writing emails or a blog article I always double check or even triple check my work before turning it in."