Engage Your Network and Create Your Personal Brand

Crafting a quality, professional image and engaging your network are the keys to finding your future. Here are the basics to do these well.

What is networking?

Networking is the process of building relationships with people who can give you information and advice, and gather information about your future options so you can better decide on what fits your interests, skills and values … and can also help you tap into upcoming or unadvertised job or internship opportunities. It’s so much more than collecting business cards or connecting on LinkedIn (although these are important too!) it is a process that improves and gets easier with practice!


Although you may not realize it, you’re likely already building your career network as a student here at WCSU. Your relationships with people like your family, friends, coworkers, classmates, former supervisors, faculty, etc. can play a valuable role in exploring careers, job searching, and moving up in your career.

The Career Success Center offers numerous resources to help you learn how to make connections and build professional relationships.

Master Career Conversations/Informational Interview

Discover how to utilize this great tool!


  • Gain referrals from professors or employers
  • Brush up on your professional online identity, including a strong LinkedIn profile—use BrandYourself to clean up your online presence
  • Reach out to alumni through Handshake or LinkedIn
  • Attend an industry-specific recruiting event or employer information session
  • Find other creative opportunities to meet people: join a WCSU Club and/or join a professional organization
  • Click here for a full list of networking resources: Networking Resources – Career Success Center

The Power of LinkedIn!

Discover how to utilize this great tool!

Your LinkedIn profile is the window to your personal, professional brand...

It is what allows others to see how your professional life is going and what your current skillset looks like. It also acts as a tool to let you do many incredible things, such as;

  • Sharing your professional accomplishments
  • Marketing yourself and your skills to employers online
  • Finding relevant jobs according to your profile
  • Meeting other professionals in or out of your own field

Having a well developed and active LinkedIn profile may very well be the difference that lets you reach your professional goals and gets you your dream job.

Use these links to get started with networking

Connect on LinkedIn

Discover On Handshake

Attend a Career Fair

Connect with Alumni

Career Communities

Network Resources

Learn more about our Alumni


Getting smarter and happier with small talk

'Did you know?'

85% of jobs are found through networking!

What is a personal brand?

A personal brand is who you are, what you stand for, the values you embrace, and the way in which you express those values as an individual. Much like a company's brand, your personal brand communicates your strengths, personality, and your overall value to employers or clients.


Your brand can be showcased in any way you communicate with people, from a resume/cover letter, personal website, blog, and portfolio to your social media. It can also be discovered through Google results.


Defining and improving your brand online can help you present the positive things that set you apart. Having a strong, positive online presence is a must in business today.


'Brand Identity'

Use these links to get started with your personal brand

Connect on LinkedIn

Build your portfolio

Work on your resume

Know your strengths

Career Communities

How to build an "Elevator Pitch"

Whether you are looking to sell yourself as a potential employee, sell a product or service, or collect information about a career, everyone needs an Elevator Pitch. The term, Elevator Pitch, is jargon for a one minute explanation of who you are and typically takes the length of a ride up an elevator; 60 seconds . Other terms that represent what an Elevator Pitch is are "Personal Commercial," "Elevator Speech," or "Branding Speech." Regardless of what people call it, it allows others to quickly zero in on the value you bring and understand your focus so they can help you reach your goal.

A pitch like this should cover:

  1. WHO you are
  2. WHAT you have to offer
  3. WHY you are UNIQUE
  4. Have a GOAL in mind and be able to verbalize it: Know HOW you plan to reach that goal/or ASK for ideas & advice that can help you


'Brand Identity'

"Digital Dirt" what is it? And why is it important?

A 2020 study shows...

Social Media Cartoon of man shouting

79% of HR professionals have
denied a job candidate due to
inappropriate content on social media.

90% of employers say social
media is important when
evaluating a job candidate.

Top red flags to employers are
provocative or inappropriate content, posts/
images about alcohol consumption or drugs
(especially underage), discriminatory or racist
content, and lying about qualifications.

It is important to regularly review and manage your online presence to ensure that the content found by hiring managers leaves them with the best view of you and your brand. When you review your online presence to ensure that all representations of you are positive and appropriate, we call it conducting your own “Digital Dirt Dig.”

Google Search the terms below. View all web and image results, click all links, and scroll fully through all pages.
Pro tip: Visit google.com/alerts to create an alert to be notified whenever someone Googles your name.
❑ Your first and last name (full name)
❑ Full name and hometown
❑ Full name and high school
❑ Full name and college (if you’ve attended more than one college, search your name with each school attended)
❑ Full name and all past/present employers
❑ Your social media handles and keywords like: weed, drunk, alcohol, drugs, any words or phrases that may harm your professional image

Review your social media accounts. Delete any inappropriate or controversial written content/images/videos. Check your privacy settings and
consider which accounts you want to make private. Deactivate any unused accounts.
Some employers will even ask you to provide your social media information during a hiring process.
Instagram: bio, posts, tagged photos, story highlights, active story
Twitter: bio, tweets, retweets, likes, media
Facebook: bio, posts, shares, statuses, photos, active story
TikTok: bio, videos, shares

Just as important as burying your digital dirt is having positive content. One key tool for people in any industry to establish and maintain a positive, professional
online presence and brand is LinkedIn. Work with a Career Peer Leader to get yours started!


Use these links to get started with your Digital Dirt Dig

Connect on LinkedIn

Career Communities