Career Success Center : Work on my Resume, Cover Letter, and Portfolio

Build Your Portfolio

portfolio is a collection of your work, which shows how your skills and ideas have developed over a period of time. It demonstrates your creativity, personality, abilities and commitment, and helps potential employers, collaborators and connections to learn more about you. They also offer valuable insight into your professional development and skill mastery. A portfolio can also provide insight into your personal reflection, demonstrating what is important to you throughout your learning process. The resources on this page are meant as a guide to get you started.  Please also consult with academic advisors, and career and industry professionals for advice and support.

How To Create A Portfolio: Step by Step

  1. Determine if a paper or electronic portfolio best meets your needs
  2. Gather relevant artifacts and examples of your skills, values, abilities, work, and achievements. Use the list below to help think of examples
  3. Create a structure that best highlights your skills and achievements based on your career objective
  4. Assemble and reflect on items to supplement your interview process or job search
  5. Use the Career Center to have your portfolio reviewed by a career advisor

What kind of portfolio are you trying to make?