
WCSU at Northwestern

What is WCSU @ Northwestern? Located on the campus of Northwestern Connecticut Community College, WCSU @ Northwestern offers a convenient location for students in the Northwest Corner to take completion courses for a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Management with a concentration in Supervisory Management.


Where will the classes take place on the Northwestern campus? Joyner Building room 143 has been set aside for WCSU classes.  Please see the Campus Mapopens PDF file for the Joyner location.


Can I complete my entire B.B.A. degree on the Northwestern campus? WCSU will offer upper-level business courses on ground or in hybrid format on the Northwestern campus on a 2-year rotating basis.  Some upper-level business courses will still need to be taken online or at the Danbury or Waterbury campuses to fully complete your B.B.A. degree.


Tentative schedule for the first year (Please see below).  Full-time students can supplement more courses if they wish to finish in two years through a combination of WCSU and/or Northwestern courses (online or on ground).

Fall 2020 Semester
Spring 2021 Semester
MIS 260 – Information Systems Concepts MGT 376 – Managing People
MKT 305 – Global Environment of Business MGT 340 – Total Quality Management
MGT 320 – Operations Management MGT 377 – Supply Chain Management


What time of day will the classes take place?
Currently, the plan is to have the on-ground or hybrid courses on the Northwestern campus will take place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6-9pm.

I’m interested or want to learn more!  Who should I contact about getting started in this program?
Stacey Williams, Business Pathway Academic Advisor, is the point of contact at Northwestern for this program.  Her email is swilliams@nwcc.commnet.educreate new email and phone number is 860-738-6427.

Will I need to apply to WCSU? Yes.  Prior to registering for your first upper-level business courses on the Northwestern campus, you will need to apply to WCSU.  To get the application started, contact Nicole Kullberg, Associate Director of Admissions, at kullbergn@wcsu.educreate new email.