English & Interdisciplinary Studies

Success Stories

Mia Behunick

Recipient of the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Studies Major Award for 2023-2024

I’m an interdisciplinary studies major with concentrations in holistic health and psychology. Having a program available that allows me to combine both of my interests, elevate my studies, and learn from professors who are out of the box thinkers was an unforgettable experience. I hope to be a clinical herbalist in the future with a focus in women’s health



Kwan Stowell

Recipient of John Eichrodt Prize for 2023-2024

Kwan is a seasoned professional with an illustrious career spanning decades in advertising. As an Asian migrant, she has navigated diverse cultural landscapes, gleaning unique perspectives and innovative ideas that enrich her work. Fueled by a passion for transnational communication, she has embarked on an academic pursuit at Western Connecticut State University (WCSU), aiming to earn a degree in English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing. At WCSU, Kwan’s academic journey has been significantly enhanced by the dedicated faculty and professors. Their insightful guidance and unwavering commitment to nurturing talent have been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement for her.


Rachel Ohring

Recipient of the Provost’s Student Award for Academic Achievement and Resiliency for 2023-2024

Rachel originally majored in Secondary Education at WCSU, but she decided to switch her major to English Literature. She also decided to minor in Psychology. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, and watching her favorite movies and TV shows. She loves animals, and she enjoys spending time with her cat. In Fall 2024, Rachel is starting a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science at Southern Connecticut State University.



Sarah Fayad

Recipient of John Tufts Prize for 2023-2024

Hi! My name is Sarah and I’m an English major here at WCSU. I transferred from a community college in the Fall of 2023 after receiving an associate’s in general studies and knew in my heart that I wanted to study English Literature. Reading and writing are an integral part of my world; when I read someone’s work, it’s like I’m having a conversation with them through their words. Memoirs are my favorite form of literature because the author’s life is in front of me in those pages. It is the most intimate and most personal type of book you could read. A book captures the individual human voice as an art form. There are 8 billion people living their own unique lives whom I will never get the chance to meet in real life, but you can meet anyone, do anything, and experience infinite possibilities through books. Writing has always been my strongest and most loved subject. Taking material I’ve read and reflecting, responding, and adding to it enhances my understanding of the text. I hope to become an editor post-graduation and continue to collaborate with others on their writing. My dream is to one day be an author and write my own memoir about my mental health journey. I want to create art that not only helps me but acts as a beacon of hope for others who have been in my position; The beauty of writing lies in its ability to communicate shared human experiences.


Hannah ZabarskyHannah Zabarsky

Recipient of the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Studies Major Award (2022-2023)

Hannah Zabarsky is a senior at WCSU with a focus in Science and Society and Digital Arts technology. She has an AA in Computer Science from CSCU (formerly Naugatuck Valley Community College). She has been involved in leadership positions with the Jane Goodall Roots and Shoots Club at Western, and in her spare time enjoys gardening, cooking, and playing with her two cats. She is passionate about horticulture and conservation initiatives within the community. In the future, Hannah plans to pursue her passion for project management within the technology sphere.



Sara Risko

Recipient of the Outstanding Interdisciplinary Studies Major Award for 2021-2022

Double Major in Interdisciplinary Studies (Concentrations: Sustainability and Theoretical & Applied Ethics) and Health Promotion Studies

Sara is a nontraditional student who has returned to school later in life to pursue a higher level of education, dedicated to the work she is passionate about, hoping to apply what she learns to serve the greater good. As an undergraduate student double majoring in health promotion studies and interdisciplinary studies—with concentrations in holistic and integrative health; sustainability; and theoretical and applied ethics—Sara’s aspirations are, at their core, to bring about and inspire positive changes that improve quality of life within underserved communities. Her career goals include tackling systemic issues surrounding food injustices and their subsequent health disparities through the application of interdisciplinary perspectives. She wishes to do so by rebuilding how individuals view food sourcing and distribution, particularly the people these food systems most heavily affected in a negative way. These individuals are affected by dietary health disparities and both the ethical implications and repercussions of the actions taken within these systems. Sara wishes to work as an advocate utilizing interdisciplinary approaches to bridge the disciplinary gap between the agricultural and public health spheres to better serve marginalized populations across the United States. Sara also hopes that, through her work, she can help to build sustainable systems in which these communities can build their own advocacy programs, creating sustainable structural support within populations that best serve their needs.


Thomas J. Pulley

Interdisciplinary Studies Major (Concentrations: Justice & Law Administration and Psychology)

Western Connecticut State University Class of 2022

University of Baltimore School of Law Class of 2025

I came to WCSU in 2017, for one semester. Unfortunately, at the time, my priorities were a mess and I left school to journey out into the world. I did everything from sales to construction and even a brief stint on an Alaskan fishing boat. Flash forward to 2020, I was still looking for my niche and trying to find my place in the life. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do but I figured in the process of earning my degree I might find something worthwhile. I was right. In the midst of it, finishing your undergraduate degree seems never-ending. Now, looking back at it, my time at WCSU flew by in the blink of an eye. Many often bolster the claim that not much is learned in completing a bachelor’s degree. In some cases that may be correct, but in mine and undoubtedly many others in the Interdisciplinary Studies program, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if one doesn’t remember everything from the diverse range of topics they are exposed to, they will always remember one certainty: complexity is the nature of all that encompasses our world. Any problem, large or small, is ruled by an intricacy that cannot be solved, without examining the many different angles in its analysis, and subsequently, in the application of the problem’s solutions. This knowledge becomes more and more prevalent with each passing day, as our society is continually divided and defined by simplicity.  If one is right, they are right in absolution; those who are wrong are identified in this way as well. We live in polarizing times and the prime suspect in its facilitation is this: the oversimplification of all we debate over, of all our beliefs, and of all our ideas. Those who have gone through the IDS program know that this mass-produced falsehood of perception is not the answer to creating a better world. That life is lived, understood, and progressed properly only in the grey areas. Through critical thinking between the lines and non-conceding compromise, we have come to learn that there is never an easy fix that is long-lasting and effective. We have come to accept the challenge of battling the surface-level problem solver through in-depth, multi-layered attack on any issues that sit at our feet and claw at our back door. Joining the IDS program was the best decision I made at WCSU. It set about a train of thought that I hope grows to become faster and more exploratory as I further my education this fall. For anyone out there who is optimistic that the next great revolution could be one of minds and not arms, IDS is the place for you.


Bill Silvia

Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies Major with concentrations in Gender and Multi-Cultural Studies, and also a minor in Creative Writing

Bill is a Danbury local and non-traditional student. In the midst of pursuing his passion as a writer, he found himself most drawn into the task of understanding, rationalizing, and empathizing with human behavior, particularly the behavior and contexts of those groups whose voices are often drowned out, stereotyped, or simply unheard in the larger conversation. This in turn led to an academic focus on psychology and influenced Bill to put together an intersectional course of study he terms “Diversity Studies,” which consists of studies into human cultures and gender studies. To best understand the role of the marginalized in the larger culture, Bill chooses those courses, reading materials, and assignments that best emphasize the role of LGBTQIAP persons under the umbrella of Queer Studies within his coursework. He has conducted research dealing with bias, stereotypes, race, and sexuality, and is searching for doctoral supervisors with an interest in the same.

In addressing personal life, culture, and academia as a whole, Bill applies the following quote by George Herbert Mead: “The outcome of science is a theory or working hypothesis, not so-called facts.”



Rocco Martarella

Interdisciplinary Studies Major with concentrations in Writing and Communication, and also a minor in Philosophy

I grew up in Long Island, NY until I was in 5th grade and moved to Connecticut to be closer to family. I took intro to philosophy through television my first semester at Western, and I found out that was exactly what I needed. That class actualized my forever-philosophical way of thinking, and it felt like I found something I didn’t know I was looking for. I was still unsure of what I wanted to do for a major, so I signed myself up for a bunch of philosophy classes. With these classes I got creative with my writing, completed some of my gen ed requirements and a minor as well. I have a passion for listening to music and keeping up with the current releases of my favorite artists. My favorite philosophical concept that I’ve learned so far is Nietzsche’s love of fate, in which even horrible moments in one’s life are embraced just as pleasant ones. I have a group of friends that I’ve been close with since before high school, and we make it a point to get together weekly. Them, along with my family and interest in music, are big influences on my character. This picture is with my younger sister on my 18th birthday.


Kelvin Castillo

Interdisciplinary Studies Major with concentrations in Business Administration and Psychology

Kelvin was born in Dominican Republic and moved to Puerto Rico when he was two years old. He came from a military family and knew he wanted to take the same path as his family by joining the US Navy in 2008. His first duty station was the USS Providence 719, where he traveled around the world twice, visiting countries like Dubai, Japan, Italy, Israel, Diego Garcia and the North Pole. His job in the military was Logistics Specialist, and that’s where he knew that business was his passion. Also his curiosity to know more about what people think and their desires made him pursue a career in Psychology as well. Kelvin is currently in his senior year of college.

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm” – Publilius Syrus

Camille Alanano

Interdisciplinary Studies Major with concentrations in Biology and Community Health

Camille was born in the Philippines and came to America when she was 5 years old. She grew up knowing that she wanted to help people in any way possible. This can include making someone food, assisting them with homework, teaching them how important to clean their hands and even guiding someone in life. She went to Greenwich High School, where she realized she wanted to be in the health field. She is concentrating in Biology and Community Health preparing for graduate school. She loves to learn new aspects on how to help others in any way and to learn more knowledge of the human body. She is part of the Biology and Herpetology Club here at WCSU. She loves to work out, eat healthy, travel the world and enjoy life.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller