
Work Shop Opportunities





Copy and Paste this link to view the Time Management Workshop. https://connectwcsu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/barryc_wcsu_edu/EWhf3USKcO1DoNJcc6aJDfYBOJMb5ihOqurJYsOnUi_gZw

Submit your Time Management Test Results Time Management Test drop downs.pdf to Caitie at Barryc@wcsu.edu with a brief reflection on how you plan to either work on your productivity/ or continue being efficient in your time management skills to gain credit for this workshop.





Copy and Paste this link to view the Leading Effective Meetings Workshop. https://connectwcsu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/barryc_wcsu_edu/Eaad0enumfVNv_iEbaZFJ7UB743UzmwhoqbSImJVvdekSA

Send a brief reflection to Caitie at Barryc@wcsu.edu on what you have learned to gain credit for this workshop.



Copy and Paste this link to view the Event Planning Workshop. https://connectwcsu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/barryc_wcsu_edu/EaolxKtjJddCn9KcmB2teHoBg19ZYMoG02EMQPmMDFeytg

Send a brief reflection to Caitie at Barryc@wcsu.edu on what you have learned to gain credit for this workshop.