
Lake Symposium Recordings 2023

Please find below the online recordings from each of the virtual events from this semester.

**Note that recordings are not to be shared unless given permission by the Biology & Environmental Sciences department. Please email if you would like to download a copy or ask for permission.

Monday, Nov. 6, 2023 @7 pm (virtual): Fall 2023 Regional Lake Communities Symposium “The Status of Aquatic Plants in Lakes with Sterile Grass Carp



7:00 p.m. – Larry Marsicano, Brawley Consulting Group LLC., WCSU Limnology Instructor, Welcome address and speaker introduction.

7:05 p.m. – Joe Cassone, Fisheries Biologist, CT DEEP, “Connecticut DEEP Update on Candlewood Lake Grass Carp and Aquatic Vegetation Management Efforts”

7:45 p.m. – Neil Stalter, Director of Ecology, Candlewood Lake Authority, “The Ecology Behind Candlewood Lake’s Rapid Plant Loss.”

8:25 p.m. – Theodora Pinou, Professor of Biology, “Insights into Sterile Grass Carp behavior.”

8:45 p.m. – Questions to speakers from Audience and discussion

Monday, Dec. 4, 2023 @7 pm (virtual): Fall 2023 Regional Lake Communities Symposium “Managing Water Quality in Lakes”


7 p.m. – Larry Marsicano, Aquatic Ecosystem Research LLC., WCSU Limnology Instructor, will introduce the topic and speaker.

7:10 p.m. – William Henley, Sr. Aquatic Resource Scientist, South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, “Remote Turbidity Monitoring & Selective Diversion for Improvement of a Drinking Water Lake.”

8:00 p.m. – Questions from Audience

8:15 p.m. – Connie Trolle, President of the Bantam Lake Protective Association, and Peter FrancisBoating Division Director, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Connecticut DEEP, “A conversation about Wakeboards and Shoreline Management.”

8:30 p.m. – Questions from Audience

8:45 p.m. – Symposium Summary and Where do we go from here?