WCSU Faculty Handbook : Computers, Copiers, Media, Printing

WCSU Computer Policy

I. General Policies

  1. Software Ownership

  2. (This section represents policy adopted in February, 1985 along with January, 1987 revisions by the board of Governors for Higher )

    1. Software Conversion. It shall be the policy of the state system of higher education that the end product of any work done by a student from any of the state’s public colleges or universities to convert, modify or update state-owned software shall be owned by the state.
    2. Software Creation (state-owned). If a student from any college or university, receives monetary remuneration from the state for creating software, including source code and/or documentation, it shall belong to the state.
    3. Software Creation (student-owned and state-licensed). Software belongs to the student but shall be licensed gratis to the state for use/or modification under the following conditions:
      1. The state, at the inception of the project, informs the student in writing of the state’s intention to use the software; and/or
      2. The student uses state computer resources to create The State shall not have any other rights to such software.
    4. Software Creation (student-owned). Any software developed by a student, unless it is covered under policy statements 1, 2, or 3 above, or is produced under the provisions of a grant or an agreement with an outside funding agent, is owned by the student.
    5. Software Copying. Each constituent unit in the state system of higher education shall have policies in place regarding the use and copying of software and/or documentation to protect against lawsuits by vendors.
  3. Software Copying

    1. All software and manuals are copyright protected by the software vendor. Any user attempting to copy the software shall be subject to prosecution by the software vendor.
    2. Any person who has been authorized to use the computing resources shall be expected to regard all copyrighted or proprietary information which may thereby become available to him/her as confidential, unless he/she obtains from the appropriate person written permission to copy, modify, or otherwise use any part of it.
    3. Users shall not copy system files nor shall they attempt to access or modify such files or software components or computer management programs and data, except for specifically approved purposes.

II. General Guidelines

  1. The computer facilities are available for academic university work No commercial work is allowed.
  2. A user’s programs and data should be treated as his/her private Users must not attempt to access or make use of any other user’s programs or data without the permission of the user concerned.
  3. The granting of access to Western’s computer systems presupposes that the user is knowledgeable in the use of the existing computer Users should realize that the Computer Center Staff is limited in the amount of time they can spend assisting them with extensive problems.
  4. Printer output represents very real, measurable costs to the Computer Users should be careful to avoid wasting these resources.
  5. Responsibility for a computer account belongs to the person to whom the account was issued (the account owner). No account owner shall furnish any other person(s) with the password to their Unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Officer for Information Technology, only the person to whom an account was issued should be using the account.
  6. Any computer user who knowingly or continually violates the policies governing the use of accounts, equipment and resources will have his/her account withdrawn and such misuse may result in disciplinary and/or legal action.

III. Account Policies &Guidelines

  1. Policies

    1. For classification purposes, there shall be two types of accounts available to members of the WCSU community.
      1. Student
      2. Students must request accounts from the Computer Requests must be made in person.
      3. A Faculty
      4. Faculty members must request accounts from the Computer Requests must be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Information Technology or Technology Service Manager. Applications must be filed a week in advance. A written response will be forwarded to the applicant.
  2. Guidelines

    1. Users have the right to expect that their work will remain secure and private. The Computer Center cannot readily determine if the use of an account by another individual is appropriate, so users should only use their own accounts. Account owners can assist in assuring privacy of their work by using a password that is not obviously a nickname or initials.
    2. The Computer Center reserves the right to access users’ data and programs for appropriate management purposes (e.g., making back up copies and to ensure system integrity).

IV. Microcomputer Policies & Guidelines

  1. Policies
  2. Any person that has been issued a valid WCSU identification card is authorized to use the WCSU computer


CSU Computer Policy-Student

Connecticut State University System Policy Statement on Student Use of University Computer Systems and Networks

University computer systems and networks are provided for student use as a part of the University academic program. Students are encouraged to become proficient in the use of computers as a means of enhancing their educational experience. However, widespread student use also necessitates certain rules of computer conduct. Computer misconduct can result in restrictions on or revocation of computer access privileges.

University computer systems and networks constitute an expensive and valuable resource. The capacity of this resource to fulfill all the legitimate academic and administrative needs of students, faculty, and staff is limited.

Student users have a responsibility to use University computer resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

The University has a right and a duty to protect its valuable computer resources and to restrict student access to uses that are strictly related to the students’ university related programs as well as reasonably limited in time. The University reserves the right to define unauthorized student uses.

The Chief Computer Administrator or designee(s) at each University in the CSU System and at the System Office may monitor student user accounts, files and/or log-in sessions for appropriate management purposes. Such purposes include but are not limited to performing archival and recovery procedures, evaluating system performance, and ensuring system integrity and security.

Upon identifying a violation of the policy which constitutes and immediate, clear danger to the University computer systems or networks the Chief Computer Administrator or designee(s) at each University and in the System Office may immediately limit or suspend a student’s access to University computer resources with immediate notification of charges and actions to the appropriate Chief Student Affairs Administrator or designee(s). This emergency suspension of computer use will then follow the student judicial procedures for “Interim Suspension” as provided in the CSU Student Rights and Responsibilities and Judicial Procedures document.

Violations of University computer policy which do not constitute an immediate, clear danger to the University computer systems or networks will be referred to the regular student disciplinary process.

  1. Student computer offenses, which are included as number 25 in the Appendix of Punishable Offenses in the CSU Student Rights and Responsibilities and Judicial Procedures document are as follows:
    1. Unauthorized use of University computers and/or peripheral systems and networks;
    2. Unauthorized access to University computer programs or files;
    3. Unauthorized alteration or duplication of University computer programs or files;
    4. Any deliberate action to disrupt the operation of University computer systems which serve other members of the University community, including all networks to which University computers are connected;
    5. Use of University computer systems and networks for committing crimes, violating civil laws, or violating University rules
  2. UNAUTHORIZED USES for students include but are not limited to the following:
    1. Computer games which are not assigned course work;
    2. Development or transmitting of chain letters;
    3. Entering or transmitting of commercial advertisements or solicitations;
    4. Entering or transmitting of political campaign material relating to elections to be held outside the University;
    5. Entering or transmitting of obscene material;
    6. Sexual harassment or other forms of harassment aimed at others or otherwise threatening others;
    7. Sharing one’s own computer account with others or using another person’s accounts;
    8. Violation of copyright laws or using or copying software in ways that violate the terms of the license;
    9. Entering or transmitting computer viruses or any form of intentionally destructive programs;
    10. Intentional disruption of network services;
    11. Connecting any device to the network without permission;
    12. Copying, modifying, replacing, or deleting any other user’s account or any software used for system management;
    13. Harming University computer equipment;
    14. Uses which violate rules developed at each University which are necessitated by facilities limitations or other circumstances unique to each

CSU Electronic Monitoring Policyopens PDF file

The Connecticut State University System deems it necessary and advisable and in the best interest of the university communities of Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Connecticut State Universities and the System Office, to again raise awareness and re-emphasize legal considerations concerning information technology devices in use throughout the system.

There are several information technology devices in use in the CSU System. These devices are the property of the State of Connecticut and use thereof by the user is restricted to the performance of official State business or activities approved through the collective bargaining process. Information related to usage and utilization of these devices and the overall CSU technological environment is constantly being collected.

The Connecticut State University System information technology infrastructure includes a telephone system, a communications network, Internet access, computer servers and computer workstations. Information related to the usage of this infrastructure is collected and logged. All users of these devices are hereby advised and notified that these devices produce data and reports related to information stored, sent and retrieved for the purposes of recording usage and utilization. While system personnel do not review the contents of this material except when necessary in the course of the discharge of official duties and as permitted by law, each user should know and is hereby notified that all such information is subject to subpoena, discovery, the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act and such other disclosure processes as may be authorized by law.

This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Public Act 98-142.

Request for a Faculty Computer Account

All University accounts (Windows, Banner, etc.) and access to university managed computer systems and administrative applications may be obtained by contacting Information Technology & Innovation at 203-837-8467 or by sending an e-mail to RequestIT@wcsu.edu.create new email

Software and Hardware Request Form

Requests for software and hardware are typically funded through the academic department, grant funds, and/or by request through the appropriate school technology committee to the Information Technology Committee (ITC).

Hardware and software purchases from departmental or grant funds must be reviewed by the Chief Information Officer and/or his/her designee. Information Technology & Innovation should be consulted for hardware and software purchases as well as special pricing that may be   available to the university.

For information on how hardware and software requests to the ITC are processed, please consult the technology committee for the appropriate school. For the types of funding available, please consult the Information Technology Committee Bylaws found in this document.

Inventory/Property Policies and Procedures

The care and safeguarding of all Western Connecticut State University property is the responsibility of every member of the University. The following policies are mandated by the State and administered by WCSU’s Property Management Office.

Inventory that is tagged with a bar-coded inventory label is maintained on The University’s inventory system. Departments are responsible for the property that is assigned to that department. Departments are required to report any changes of location in property in their department, including artwork. It is recommended that a department liaison be established to provide a point of contact for the Property Management Office.

A full physical inventory of the University will be performed at least once per year. The results of the inventory will be reconciled at the department level and reported to the offices of the President and Vice President, State Comptroller and the Auditors of Public Accounts.

Disposal of Surplus Property, Obsolete/Nonfunctional Equipment

The disposal of surplus property must be authorized by the property control office and be properly recorded in the inventory system. The Property Management Office will arrange all disposal options for equipment that is no longer of use to departments.

Please submit and request in writing or via e-mail to the Property Management Office indicating barcode number and description of the item to be removed from your department and Reason for removal. The department head will be issued a Request for Disposition Form to be signed and returned to the Property Management Office before property can be removed from the department.

Used office furniture and some other surplus items may be requested through the Property Management Office.

Theft, Vandalism or Damage of Property/Funds

The Department Head, loan holder or department property liaison shall report all lost or damaged property immediately to the University Police and Property Management.

Relocation of Property/Equipment

The relocation or transfer of property must be reported to the Property Management Office via interdepartmental mail or e-mail. This must include barcode number and description of the item. If no barcode is found a serial number must be recorded.

To a different building/room–list the new building/room location. To a different department–list new department, building and room.

Relocation, Trade -Ins and Returns of Property/Equipment Under Warranty Etc.

The relocation or transfer of property must be reported to the Property Management Office via interdepartmental mail or e-mail. This must include barcode number and description of the item. If no barcode is found a serial number must be recorded.

To a different building/room–list the new building/room location. To a different department–list new department, building and room. When property is traded in, returned or replaced by a vendor, both the purchasing department and Property Management Office must be notified. Included in the notification must be barcode, description and purchase order number.

Report changes immediately so property records can be updated to meet State Requirements

Equipment on Loan Policy

Equipment owned by the State may be removed from its assigned location only with prior written permission from the appropriate agency head. State equipment is not intended to be used for personal reasons. Loan permission is to be granted only in order to conduct State business.

The equipment may be loaned if the agency head is convinced that the removal of such equipment will not:

  1. Interfere with the normal operation of the agency
  2. Cause unreasonable wear and tear on the equipment
  3. Cause expense to be incurred by the agency
  4. Provide for profit-making activities

It is necessary to have control over equipment that leaves State premises. An individual who has been authorized to use State equipment on loan must sign the “Record of Equipment on Loan Form”–WCSU-EOL-1. The individual will be responsible for theft or other cause and/or any damage to the equipment. They will provide due care and security for the equipment until it is returned to the agency. In the event of a theft, it must be reported immediately to The Police Department and Property Management Office. It will be necessary to provide a Police report to Property Management Office.

The WCSU EOL-1 form must be completed in triplicate. One copy is retained by the department loaning the equipment, one copy is to be sent to the Property Management Office and the final copy should be given to the individual authorized to use the equipment.

Equipment on Loan forms must be renewed no more than one year from date of issue or the equipment must be returned to the loaning department. It is WCSU policy that all laptops issued to faculty and staff have an Equipment on Loan Form issued for it.

Property management along with the issuing department should maintain a log book to hold the forms. If the equipment has not been returned/renewed by the expected date indicated, procedures shall include making direct contact by letter or phone on a weekly basis with the individual until the equipment is returned. Equipment should not be loaned for extended periods of time and all equipment should be returned to the agency during the annual physical inventory.

For questions, please contact Kevin Koschel, Property Manager at 7-3933.

To obtain Property and Inventory Forms referenced, please contact The Property Management Office or visit the Property Management website for forms and more information.

Visit the Property on Loan page for more information.

Revised July, 2002, Updated July, 2008, Updated June, 2013

Policy Statement on Photocopying of Copyrighted Materials for Classroom and Research Use