Office of Grounds Operation


Who we are: The Grounds team manages all landscaping activities at both Midtown and Westside WCSU campuses inclusive of all athletic fields and support all student events and activities.

What we do: Duties include: grass cutting, new plantings, maintain planting beds, weeding, tree and shrub pruning.  As well as refuse removal, general clean up, and snow removal of walkways, roadways and parking garages. The Grounds team also maintains the Ives Concert Park grounds and the Westside Nature Preserve.

Why we do it: Our mission is to enhance the educational, extracurricular and working atmosphere by providing a safe and aesthetically pleasing exterior environment for the Western Connecticut State University community. All of this is provided with an emphasis on responsible environmental and fiscal stewardship.


Procedure for Management of Snow and Ice



For more information please contact:

Mark Gage
Grounds Supervisor 2
Westside Maintenance Garage
Phone (203) 837-8419



Some projects we're proud to call ours...


Don't hesitate to reach out to with any questions!