WCSU Faculty Handbook : Academic Policy and Procedures

Faculty and Department Teaching Assignments

Instructional Load

See the CSU-AAUP Contract Article 10 for provisions pertaining to work load.

Course Assignments

  1. Prior to the start of the spring semester, each Department Chair will submit to the appropriate School Dean a proposed four- semester rotation listing of all courses recommended as offerings in the next two academic years. In turn the Dean will submit that portion of the proposed offerings list which apply to the Graduate School and the Evening baccalaureate program to the Registrar’s Office.
  2. The Dean will review the proposed offerings in relation to (1) the various student populations to be served, (2) the program demands of the various populations, and (3) the resources of the Department to support the proposed offering, and (4) catalog identification of schedule for offering. The Dean will consult with each Department Chair concerning any needed additions or deletions in the four-semester projection and will, after such consultation, return to each Department an approved four-semester course projection.
  3. On or before the date specified by the appropriate Dean, each Chairperson shall submit to the Dean the proposed semester program including number of sections of each course and individual faculty assignments to support the proposed program. The School Dean will receive the total proposed program. The Dean of Graduate Studies and the Registrar will receive that portion which pertains to graduate and evening offerings.
    1. Each chairperson recommends to the Dean the staffing of all departmental offerings, indicating those staff members who are being proposed to the Graduate Dean for a portion of their load.
    2. All department members are expected to share in the general education offerings of their department.
    3. All department members are expected to share in the undergraduate evening program if needed to complete load or to support baccalaureate majors in the discipline.
    4. Those faculty teaching graduate level courses shall consist of those members who hold the appropriate terminal degree or who have professional experience which provides a special competency to teach a particular course or courses.
  4. The Deans will review the proposed semester offering and staffing using the same criteria as in B above and will consult with each Department Chair concerning any needed additions or deletions. The Dean will, after consultation, provide to the department and to the Registrar the final approved section and staffing list on which individual faculty schedules will be based.
    1. Any problems arising between undergraduate and graduate course offerings and staffing will be resolved by the School Dean and the Graduate Dean in consultation with the Department Chairperson.
    2. If needed, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs will assist in that resolution.
  5. Scheduling of Assigned Courses
    1. Scheduling is done by the Registrar.
    2. Faculty members may have teaching schedules up to 5 days per week.
    3. Faculty members may be assigned to Saturday or evening classes.
    4. Special requests for scheduling from faculty members.
    5. Any faculty member who is involved in graduate study may request that a particular time be left free to attend classes or meet with his/her advisor.
    6. All requests are sent to the Academic Deans by the concerned Department Chair. The Academic Deans transmit approved requests to the Registrar to be incorporated into the total schedule, if possible.
  6. Individual Faculty Schedule
    1. Schedules are sent to the faculty member by the Registrar upon approval by the Academic Dean and Graduate Dean.
    2. No changes may be made in the schedule without authorization of the Department Chair and the appropriate Dean.
    3. After receipt of schedule the faculty member shall, at the start of the semester, provide to the appropriate Academic Dean or secretary copies showing teaching assignments, office hours, and any regularly scheduled graduate study commitments of his/her own. These are used to determine meeting times and to facilitate communication with faculty members.