WCSU Faculty Handbook : Creative Activity, Professional Development Opportunities, and Research Protocols

Academic Leave Procedures for Faculty (Sabbatical)


A. Faculty members will be reminded by the Provost/Academic Vice President of the date by which sabbatic leave applications must be submitted (see III.A below)


A. Eligibility shall be determined in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement or Board of Trustees resolution.


Faculty members may apply for academic leave by completing the application form in digital format.

  •  The applicant will submit a single PDF document that includes the application form and any supporting materials, such as CV and reports of previous sabbatic leave.
  • · Please try to keep the application narrative to less than five pages
  • · CV’s should be limited to synopsis of academic activity, papers and presentations, or other creative activity, and should be included as part of this one document.
  • · The report on previous sabbatic leave, whether goals were accomplished or not, should be limited to two pages.
  • · Applicants should be reminded that the application will be read by lay people, so the language should be kept simple.
  1.  By September 28, the prospective candidate will submit the application and other supporting materials (CV, professional letters of support, conference materials, summary contract, report on previous sabbaticals/results, etc.) to the chairperson of the Academic Leave Committee and to the appropriate persons listed below.

Be reminded that professional integrity concerned with electronic submission of applications will be upheld.

    1. Teaching Faculty–to the Department sabbatical leave committee and/or Chairperson and the Dean of the School.
    2. Librarians—to the Library sabbatical leave committee and/or Spokesperson and the Director of Library Services.
    3. Counselors—to the Counselor sabbatical leave committee and/or Spokesperson, the Director of the Counseling Center, and the Dean of Student Affairs.
    4. Administrative Faculty—to the immediate Supervisor and the appropriate management personnel.
  1.  By October 15th, Chairpersons, Spokespersons, Directors, and Supervisors shall submit written reviews of applications to the:
    1. Applicants.
    2. Chairperson of the Academic Leave Committee.
    3. The appropriate Dean, Associate Dean, or Director of Library Services.
  2. . By November 1, the Deans, Associate Deans, and the Director of Library Services shall submit written reviews of applications.
    1. Applicants.
    2. Chairperson of the Academic Leave Committee.

In extenuating circumstances, an application for sabbatic leave may be submitted two (2) years in advance because of the required time and/or funding commitments. Documentation of the need for an early decision must accompany the application so the Academic Leave Committee may present a rationale for recommendations to the University President.


A. Academic Department, Librarian Group, Counselor Group: Each application review shall be completed by the entire department or special committee elected by the department in accordance with its bylaws. The department review must be completed in accordance with the criteria stated in the Review of Sabbatic Leave form.

B. Administrative Faculty: Each application review shall be completed by the appropriate supervisor or director and must be in accordance with the criteria stated in the Review of Sabbatic Leave form.

C. Deans or Directors: Each application review shall be completed by the appropriate Dean or Director and must be in accordance with the criteria stated in the Dean’s or Director’s Review of Sabbatic Leave form.

D. An applicant may make a request to appear before the Committee to discuss his/her application. This request must be made to the Chairperson of the Committee within one (1) week of receiving the Dean’s recommendation.

E. By December 15, the Academic Leave Committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the University President, and each applicant will be notified of the committee’s recommendation regarding his/her proposal.

F. In January, the Board of Trustees acts upon the President’s recommendations.


A. Upon completion of its deliberations, the Academic Leave Committee will upload the application and supportive materials to the appropriate recommended online storage. Access shall be granted to the ALC members, University President, University Provost, and Human Resources. The ALC submits to the University President appropriate recommendations i.e. memo of Not Recommended, Recommended, and Highly Recommended.

B. Committee members will destroy all remaining copies of the applications and other materials used in their deliberations.

C. The President will file the applications and related material in the personnel folder of each applicant.


The applicationopens PDF file for Sabbatic Leave is in the Appendices to this handbook.