WCSU Faculty Handbook : Standing Committees of Schools

School of Professional Studies Education Review Committee Bylaws

Article I.

This standing committee within the School of Professional Studies shall be named the Education Review Committee (ERC).

Article II.

The purposes of the ERC are to review, initiate, evaluate, and approve curricula and policies for all undergraduate and graduate teacher and counselor education programs, and to make recommendations to the Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee (CUCAS), Graduate Council or University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC) as required by university standards and accrediting agencies.

Article III.

The non-voting membership of the ERC shall include the Dean of Professional Studies, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, The Dean of Graduate Studies, and the Dean of Visual and Performing Arts or their designees, the Chair of the ERC, and two students (one undergraduate and one graduate education student).

The voting membership includes the Chair of the Education and Educational Psychology Department, the Coordinator for Elementary Education, the M. S. Education Coordinator, the Ed. D. Coordinator, the Coordinator of Student Teaching, the M.A.T. Coordinator, the Coordinator of School Counseling, and one faculty member from each of the following secondary education programs:  Education (E & EPY),  Coordinator of Secondary Education, English, ,  History/Social Science, Laboratory Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Earth Science), and Mathematics. and one faculty member from each PK-12 program: Health Education, Spanish, and Music; or designee

Article IV.

The ERC shall elect a Chair at the last meeting of each academic year. ERC members shall be appointed annually by the Department Chair of all departments included in Article III by the first week of the academic year.

Article V.

The ERC shall meet once a month during the regular academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Chair as necessary. More than half of the total membership shall constitute a quorum. All materials presented must be electronically submitted to the Chair at least one week prior to meeting. The Chair shall prepare and distribute an agenda at least one week prior and minutes one week after the monthly meeting.

Article VI.

Each voting member of the ERC shall have one vote.

Article VII.

As necessary the ERC Chair shall organize sub-committees that report directly to the Chair.

Article VIII.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to determine parliamentary procedure.

Article IX.

These by-laws may be amended by a vote of 2/3 of the voting membership provided a one month written notice is given.

Approved by the ERC February 23, 2011

Approved:  February 23, 2011