WCSU Faculty Handbook : University Governance (Committee Bylaws)

Committee on Online Education Bylaws

  1. Objectives

    1. To ensure that university online education is consistent with the needs and mission of Western Connecticut State University.
  2. Responsibilities and Powers

    1. To Identify the needs of faculty concerning effective online education, specifically in relation to pedagogical and technological knowledge, skills and training.
    2. To review available technology and services for effective online education, course design, and delivery and make recommendations to the University Senate.
    3. To determine need for and types of administrative support for effective online education and make recommendations to the University Senate.
    4. To review issues of governance where online education is concerned and to make recommendations to the University Senate.
    5. To make recommendations to the University Senate about university online education strategy.
    6. To establish ad hoc or standing subcommittees as needed.
  3. Membership



    Academic Dean (Ex officio/Appointed by VPAA annually)


    Information Technology & Innovation (Ex Officio/Appointed by Chief Information Officer)


    Instructional Designer (Ex Officio/Appointed by the Director of Library Services)


    Director, AccessAbility Services (or representative  appointed by the Director)


    Teaching Faculty (2 at large, 1 from each school and 1 librarian): Elected by Teaching Faculty, overlapping for three-year terms


    Administrative Faculty (Elected by Administrative Faculty for three year term)

    12 Total – All members are voting members including the chairperson

  4. Conduct of Business

    1. Meetings
      1. The first meeting of each academic year shall be convened by the previous chair. In his/her absence, the President of the University Senate will designate a committee member to convene the committee.
      2. A quorum shall consist of six (6) members, at least four (4) of whom are elected.
      3. Attendance and participation for meetings may occur either when members are physically present or via audio/web conferencing or a combination of the two.
      4. At the first meeting of the academic year, the Committee Chair will distribute the Committee bylaws for review and discussion.
      5. A call to meeting accompanied by an agenda shall be presented to each member at least one week before each meeting.
      6. Concerned parties may attend, or be invited to attend, to discuss specific items.
      7. Decisions of the committee are made by majority vote of those members present.
      8. If all members are physically present for the meeting, voting will occur verbally. If meetings are held via audio/web conferencing, or if some members are on audio/web conferencing and others physically present, a roll call vote will be conducted. In the event a vote is required between meetings an email vote will be conducted and the motion and results of the voting will be recorded in the next meeting minutes.
      9. Meetings shall be held at least monthly during the regular academic year, as called by the chairperson, or in the absence of the chairperson, by a quorum of the committee.
    2. Officers
      1. The chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote at the first meeting of the academic year.
      2. The position of secretary shall be filled by each member in turn on an alphabetical rotating basis, unless otherwise agreed upon by the committee.
    3. Reports and Recommendations.
      1. The committee, through its chair, shall report all policy recommendations to the University Senate.
      2. The committee shall submit an annual report to the University Senate.
      3. The committee shall refer to other University-wide standing committees matters appropriate to their function.
      4. The committee shall refer for action to the University Senate recommendations for University policy change which is outside the responsibility of any standing committee.
    4. Minutes
      1. Minutes of all meetings shall be distributed and posted as appropriate.
      2. Annual report will be approved by majority vote by the committee at the end of the academic year. It will be distributed and posted as appropriate.
    5. Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any regularly scheduled meeting at which there is a quorum and by the approval of the University Senate and the President of the University.