Pre Health Programs

Pre-Medical Pathway (42-46 credits of Math/Science Courses)

The following courses will satisfy the pre-requisites for most medical schools.  It is important for students to determine the specific requirements for each medical school they wish to apply to, in consultation with a pre-health advisor.

Other recommended courses:

Other requirements:

The MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) is required for all applicants to medical school.  This exam covers the biological, chemical, and physical foundations of living systems, critical analysis and reasoning, and the psychological and social foundations of behavior.

Scientific research experience, community service, health-care related activities, and demonstration of leadership ability are also desired and/or expected.

If you are applying to medical school you will need to go through the pre-health committee letter process. If you are planning to get a letter from the pre-health committee please fill out this Committee Letter request form. You will also need to provide the letter writers this Pre-Health Evaluation form.

The average GPA of a person admitted to medical school is 3.5.

Pre-Medical Pathway Sample Four Year Plan

Fall 1

WRT101 Composition I (FY)

MAT133 Calculus with Review or MAT181 Calculus I (QR)*

BIO103 General Biology I (SI)

CHE110 General Chemistry I (SI)

Spring 2

Writing Intensive (WI)

MAT181 Calculus I OR Free elective

BIO104 General Biology II

CHE111 General Chemistry II


Fall 2

COM162 Public Speaking (OC)

Foreign Language I (IC)

CHE210 Organic Chemistry I

Major Course

Gen Ed (HW)

Spring 2

PSY100 Intro to Psychology

Foreign Language II (IC)

CHE211 Organic Chemistry II

Major Course

Gen Ed (CT)


Fall 3

Major Course

Major Course

Major Course

PHY110 or PHY120 General Physics I

BIO312 Genetics OR SOC100 Intro to Sociology

Spring 3

Major Course

Major Course

Major Course

PHY111 or PHY121 General Physics II

BIO300 Cell Biology OR SOC100 Intro to Sociology


Fall 4

CHE421 Biochemistry I Lecture (Macromolecules)

Major Course

Major Course

Major Course

Major Course (W3 & CGE)

Spring 4

Gen Ed (CP)

MAT115 Biostatistics OR MAT120 Statistics (QR) Major OR Free elective

CHE422 Biochemistry II (Metabolism)

Major OR Free Elective

Major OR Free Elective

*Students who did not take pre-calculus in high school are encouraged to take MAT133 Pre-calculus during the summer prior to the start of this program.

Taking multiple lab sciences in a semester can be very challenging. You may wish to reduce your course load and take some courses in the summer.  Speak with your advisor about this possibility.