Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19

Activities on campus

To Students, Faculty and Staff,

You may have heard about preparations to open university buildings for community and state response to COVID-19. I want to let you know where we stand today.

We are working with the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services and other agencies that may use many of our facilities for multiple purposes. As of yet, we have no specific details or even dates that any of this may happen.

As a member of the local community, WCSU as always is ready to support state emergency initiatives in any way that we can. And in spite of the constraints on the members of our workforce, most of whom are working from home, we will do what is possible to help in this situation.

However, we will always make sure that any cooperation will not stand in the way of our educational mission and we have repeatedly discussed with city and state officials our intention to limit activities that would put anyone in our community in harm’s way.

To conclude, our Facilities staff is cleaning each room of each building on both campuses. Their work includes the use of foggers that dispense an anti-viral solution. Please be assured that when this crisis is over, you will return to a safe and secure campus.

Stay safe,

Dr. John B. Clark
