Pre-Collegiate and Access Programs : EXCEL Program

EXCEL Program Services

ALL STUDENTS – 7th – 8th Grades

    1. Teacher-Advisor meets weekly with students to discuss progress/problems. (Advisor is a teacher or other staff member at the student school.)
    2. Status Reports are mailed home each marking period.
    3. Telephone calls. Advisors will call home to speak with parents if problems develop: such as, frequent absence or tardiness to school; misbehavior or poor school work. Parents are urged to call advisors at any time for information on their child.
    4. Conferences will be conducted by advisors at the end of the each term students to review the contact and written evaluations by each of the students’ major teachers. Students will negotiate a contract for next marking period at this conference.
    5. Special Conferences will be held at school as needed to deal with any problem that needs special attention.
    6. Tutors can be arranged for students who are having difficulty with a subject and who are unable to get extra help from their teacher. Students are to ask their advisors if they need a tutor.
    7. Relationship with Public Schools. EXCEL has established a friendly, cooperative relationship with Broadview, Rogers Park and Westside Academy Middle Schools. The school s are quite willing to listen to our suggestions and to work with us to solve student problems. However, it is important that students and parents also make use of the school’s services and staff. Please ask us to help with a school-related problem only after you have failed to get satisfaction from the school.
    8. Agency Referrals. EXCEL can put families in contact with medical services, psychiatric counseling, programs for substance abuse and other services if needed. Call the Director, in confidence, for additional information on these services.
    9. Community Service. Students are required to complete 5 hours.


PLEASE NOTE:  Classes, Trips, Activities and Schedules are Subject to Change.