WCSU Faculty Handbook : Centers, Institutes and Programs

Westside Nature Preserve Center

The Westside Nature Preserve Center (WNPC) was established by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Connecticut State University to promote instruction and research in the biological and environmental sciences at Western Connecticut State University. The development of the Westside Nature Preserve to achieve this objective will occur so as to maintain its preserve nature. The objective of creating the WNPC is twofold: to have the future of the WNPC secured by its inclusion in the future strategic planning of the University, and to establish an entity for attracting support for the development and maintenance of the WNPC.

Article I – Name

The name of this center shall be the Westside Nature Preserve Center (WNPC) of Western Connecticut State University.

Article II – Objective or Purpose

  1. To promote instruction and research at the undergraduate and graduate levels through the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences.
  2. To provide students with field activities to reinforce their classroom and traditional laboratory work.
  3. To provide students with a facility for carrying out research in the field at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  4. To continue to create publications for students and the general public that will serve to reveal the wonder of the natural world in their own backyard.
  5. To provide public service activities by being an educational resource in the biological and environmental sciences for the public schools and general public, consistent with maintaining the preserve nature of the WNPC.

Article III – Operations

  1. The WNPC may receive grants, donations, and endowments from the public and private sectors, consistent with its objectives and purposes as stated above and in accordance with State and University procedures.
  2. Funds received from grants, donations, and endowments will be deposited in an account administered by the Expenditure of such funds will be at the discretion of the Director of the WNPC and upon approval by the voting members of the Center.
  3. The faculty member appointed by the University President or designee, for a term of three years, as Director of the Center is responsible for the management of the WNPC.

Article IV – Administration

  1. The President of the University or designee is responsible for the operation of the Center, its activities and The instructional and research programs will be administered by qualified biologists. They will be responsible to the President via the Director of the Center, the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and the Provost/Academic Vice President.

Article V – Evaluation

  1. An annual report of the Center’s activities and an accounting of all funds it generates and spends will be submitted to the Senate and the President of the University or designee.

Article VI – Membership and Term of Office

  1. All biologists who are full-time, tenure-track members of the Western Connecticut State University faculty will be, if they wish, voting members of the Center.

Article VII – Minutes and Bylaws Amendments

  1. Minutes of all WNPC meetings will be distributed to members of the WNPC, the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the University President, and the Senate Archivist.
  2. Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members present at any regularly scheduled WNPC meeting and approval of the University Senate.