WCSU Faculty Handbook : University Governance (Committee Bylaws)

Assessment Committee Bylaws

  1. Purpose

    To ensure that the University fully develops and implements an ongoing, systematic program for the assessment of student learning outcomes, which includes but is not limited to setting educational and student development goals; gathering and interpreting information and evidence to demonstrate whether students are reaching such goals; and using such evidence for improvement of student learning.

  2. Objectives, Responsibilities, and Powers

    1. To advise the University Senate and Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs on assessment matters and assessment quality;
    2. To work with the University Senate to establish Institutional Outcomes and the appropriate assessment thereof;
    3. To facilitate assessment programs on an institutional, school, and program level;
    4. To coordinate assessment efforts with other standing committees of the University Senate (General Education, UPBC, Student Life, etc.)
    5. To maintain records of current assessment activities at the University in an accessible electronic format;
    6. To promote ongoing assessment of Student Learning Outcomes information;
    7. To coordinate assessment events for sharing of assessment strategies and results;
    8. To coordinate with the NECHE Compliance Officer each February to assure the assessment processes at the university meet the needs of NECHE accreditation.
  3. Membership (13)

    Member Appointed/Elected
    Provost/VP for Academic Affairs, or designee (1) Appointed
    Academic Dean, or designee (1) Appointed
    VP for Student Affairs, or designee (1) Appointed
    University-Wide Assessment Coordinator OR Director of Institutional Research and Assessment (1) Ex-Officio
    Representative of General Education Committee (1) Appointed by the chair of the General Education Committee
    Teaching Faculty (1 from each school) and  1 Librarian/Counselor/Coach Elected by teaching faculty overlapping for 3-year terms
    Administrative Faculty (1) Appointed for 3-year term
    Students with overlapping 2-year terms (2) 1 appointed by SGA, 1 Appointed by Administration


  4. Conduct of Business

    1. The first meeting of each academic year shall be convened by the chairperson. In the chair’s absence the President of the University Senate will designate a Committee member to convene the committee.
    2. A quorum will consist of no less than one-half (1/2) of the voting members. Unfilled positions, if any, shall not be counted in determining quorum.
    3. Regular meetings will be held once a month during the fall and spring semesters. As determined by the Chairperson, attendance and voting may be electronic.
    4. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson.
    5. The call to meetings, accompanied by the agenda, shall be published not less than three days prior to the meeting.
    6. Decisions of the Committee shall be made by majority vote of the members present.
    7. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
  5. Officers

    1. The Chairperson shall be elected by the committee members at the last meeting of the academic year.
      1. Candidates for chair should come from the five (5) teaching faculty elected to the committee.
      2. The Chair will receive three (3) credits of reassigned time per semester.
    2. The position of Secretary shall be filled by each member, excluding the Chairperson, on an alphabetical rotating basis, unless otherwise agreed to by the committee.
    3. The Assessment Archivist shall be filled by the Director of Institutional Research, who will be responsible for maintain a digital archive of all university assessment plans and reports.