The Judicial Advocates
We are looking for student leaders that are willing to support other students at WCSU that encounter the judicial process either in the residence halls, in the classroom, or anywhere on campus.
The purpose of the Judicial Advocates is to be a valuable support for the accused student. The Judicial Advocate may accompany the accused student at a University Judicial Hearing as a
support person. The advocate can also help explain the judicial outcome to another student, if the accused student is seeking an advocate.
The Judicial Advocates can also be influential in helping students avoid situations that are a violation of the WCSU Student Code of Conduct. They also can explain the ramifications of certain violations as well as give scenarios of incidents that could find a student being separated from the residence halls or suspended or expelled from WCSU.
This is also great resume material.
If you are interested in being a Judicial Advocate, please fill out the below form. There will be a brief one hour training session TBA.