Office of the Registrar

Registration Information

Full-Time Student
You are a full-time undergraduate student when you are enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours of course “load” credit. Almost all full-time students are billed at a flat rate. It is your responsibility to inform the Registrar’s Office of your intention to be a full-time student at the time you register.

Part-Time Student
You are a part-time student when you are enrolled in fewer than twelve (12) semester hours of course “load” credit or if you are a Non-Degree Seeking Student registered for any number of credits.

Load VS Academic Credit
Each course listed in this registration booklet carries a given number of load credits. This is a factor of the number of hours the course meets and the type of course it is (e.g., studio, lecture, lab). It is also noted in the booklet that certain courses do not count toward graduation. In other words, they carry load credit but not academic credit. Full or part-time status and tuition are determined by the number of load credits for which you are enrolled. When you receive your schedule and your final grades, you should note that they list academic credit and not load credit.

Tuition and Fees Payment Deadline
Payment in full will be due on December 15 for the spring semester and July 15 for the fall semester. Students who register on or after those dates will be expected to pay at the time they register. Account balances and the ability to pay any outstanding balances will be available at Students with an outstanding financial obligation to the University will be not be permitted to register or make changes to their schedules without the approval of either the Cashier’s Office or the Financial Aid Office. Students who register for courses and are still registered for those courses at the beginning of the semester are liable for payment of all associated tuition and fees.

Registration Procedure for Returning Students
Please access this information link if you are a Non-Degree Seeking Student

  1. In-Person Registration
      1. Make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor. She/he will go over your choices with you and either approve what you’ve chosen or recommend appropriate changes. Your advisor will provide you with a PIN number and you can register online or come to the Registrar’s Office on your assigned date or use the PIN to make changes to your schedule.
      2. Registration restrictions may be placed by the Cashier’s Office for fees owed, the Campus Police for outstanding parking fines, Health Services for immunization or medical records, the Library for late books, etc. You will have to go to the office that has entered your restriction to have it removed before you can register.
      3. The OPEN/CLOSE system provides up-to-the-minute information on the availability of seats in all sections. In the event that one or more of the sections you wish to take is closed, make you have chosen some possible alternatives. You may request an override into a closed section by presenting an override request form to the chairperson of the department that offers the class.
  1. Web Registration
        1. You may register via the Web at at any time on or after the registration date that has been assigned to you.  In order to register on-line, you must be an active student.  To login to WestConnduit, use your WestConn username and password (Windows username and password). If you need to you can reset your password from the Westconnduit logon screen. Click on the Reset Your Password link and follow the instructions.
        2. If you need assistance you can go to the Midtown (Main Level – Ruth Haas Library) or Westside (WS 117) Computer Centers or the The Student Technology Training Center (SC 225).
        3. You will also have to have a “registration PIN” that you will receive from your advisor when you meet with him/her for advice on your course selections. The registration PIN is a number that is attached to your name and sent to your advisor. When your advisor has spoken with you, she/he will give you the number. The advisor that has your registration PIN is the person that has been assigned as your advisor.
        4. You may not register via the Web for courses that require special permission or for courses for which you have permission to register without having met the prerequisites.