Theatre Arts – BFA Musical Theatre Auditions
For more detailed information about the Musical Theatre program at WCSU including: national honors, detailed curriculum, and a sample 4-year plan of study, please visit the BFA - Musical Theatre webpage here.
Students wishing to pursue a BFA Musical Theatre degree in the Department of Theatre Arts must adhere to the following criteria for admission:
Perform and pass a prescreen audition, and an in-person audition, for members of the faculty. The student, through this audition process, must exhibit the standards and skill sets required for entry into the Musical Theatre program, including:
- Ability to effectively perform with accompaniment two songs. One song should be written prior to 1970, either uptempo or ballad. One song should be written after 1970 and contrast the style of the first.
- Ability to perform a 60-90 second contemporary monologue
- Ability to learn and perform a short dance phrase that demonstrates movement skills. (On Site Audition Only)
- Provide two copies of a picture and resume at the time of your audition.
- Fulfill general admission guidelines found in the catalog for the university, school, and department
Admission Auditions for Musical Theatre Degree Program
Prospective applicants are highly encouraged to have submitted their application for admission to the university prior to scheduling an audition.
In-Person Auditions at Western Connecticut State University
Western Connecticut State University is currently accepting Pre-Screen Auditions for the BFA in Musical Theatre incoming class of 2025.
Prospective students who pass a pre-screen audition will then be asked to audition in-person on one of the following dates:
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
NYC National Unified Auditions: Saturday, January 25, 2025
(PEARL STUDIOS: 519 38th Avenue, Studio L)
Chicago National Unified Auditions: Thursday, February 6, 2025*
(THE PALMER HOUSE: 17 E Monroe St, The Indiana Room)
(*Prescreen recommended, but Walk-In's will be seen. Accompaniment tracks required for this audition only*)
Acceptance to the Program
Within 2-3 weeks of the last audition date, you will receive 1 of 3 potential notices:
- That you've been accepted into the BFA Musical Theatre program.
- That you've been placed on the waiting list for the BFA Musical Theatre program.
- That you've been denied acceptance into the BFA Musical Theatre program.
If you are placed on the waiting list or denied acceptance to the program, you will be automatically accepted into the Theatre Arts Department as a BA Theatre Arts student unless you notify us otherwise. Registration into classes will occur once you have paid the tuition deposit for the Fall Semester.
College Musical Theater Common Prescreen Criteria
Western Connecticut State University is a participant in the College Musical Theater Prescreen Criteria in partnership with Paper Mill Playhouse and dozens of other university and collegiate equivalent musical theater training institutions.
WCSU requires the following from the Common Prescreen Criteria:
Each piece should be filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. No continuous videos.
- Record one introduction "slate" video stating your name. If you would like to include your pronouns, state them as well. Please speak loudly (project your voice) and clearly (articulate) directly at the camera.
- This is an opportunity for the auditors to get a sense of your personality and to learn the pronunciation of your name.
- There is no need to slate your individual performance videos & pieces. Instead, clearly label each video with your name and the title of the piece you are performing (see more details below).
‘Option B’ on the 2024-25 Musical Theatre Common Musical Criteria
- One contemporary monologue (written after 1950) from a published play.
- (Classical monologue as part of Option B not required for Prescreen)
‘Option A’ on the 2024-25 Musical Theatre Common Musical Criteria
Students should prepare two contrasting pieces:
- Each song cut should be 60-90 seconds
- One song should be a ballad and one song should be an uptempo.
- One song written before 1970 (Pre-Golden Age or Golden Age musical theater)
- One song written after 1970 (Contemporary musical theater, pop/rock, folk, or country.) This song should contrast the style of the first selection.
Please submit the following to with 'BFA Musical Theatre Prescreen' as the subject line:
- Headshot
- Resume
- Prescreen videos via unlisted YouTube links.
- Indicate whether you are auditioning for BFA Musical Theatre ONLY, or if you are also auditioning for BFA Theatre Arts - Acting (Please see additional audition requirements here).
- Indicate whether or not you have applied to the university.
- Which audition date you are available to attend.
General Information and Tips
- Each piece should be filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. No continuous videos.
- Students are encouraged to use standard technology/recording devices available to them (i.e. smartphones, tablets, etc.)
- Solid-colored walls are ideal, but any background that does not steal the focus from your performance is desired.
- Take care that your space allows for adequate lighting. Having a lamp or window directly behind you will cast a shadow over your face. Keep the lighting source behind your recording device or to the side of you so that your face is lit.
- When using pre-recorded music, place the music source (the speaker) closer to you than it is to the device on which you are recording. By having the accompaniment near you, your voice and music will reach the microphone on your device in a more balanced manner.
- Before filming, do a trial run to test both your audio & visual presentation. Watch your video back to ensure everything looks AND sounds okay.
- Ensure the camera portion of your device is at eye level (see example). You can use a tripod built for a smartphone or tablet. If you do not have a tripod, consider using a stack of books on a desk or box. Filming in “landscape” (horizontally) is recommended.
Monologue Tips:
It is recommended to choose monologues that are age-appropriate (generally within 5-10 years of your actual age) and that feel authentic to your culture, background, and lived experience.
Active monologues are often better for auditions; an active monologue takes place in real time and focuses on what you want and puts you in direct communication with an imaginary scene partner. This is often more successful in an audition situation than pieces that are a story or remembrance. Additionally, it can be helpful to avoid monologues that rely on extreme emotions as it can be hard to believably justify those responses in a short piece.
Prospective applicants will receive notice of their on-site audition status within 2-3 weeks of the submission of their prescreen video.
For the 12/7/24 audition, prescreens must be submitted no later than 11/1/24
For the 2/1/25 audition, prescreens must be submitted no later than 1/1/25
For the 2/28/25 audition, prescreens must be submitted no later than 2/1/25