
Minor in Theoretical and Applied Ethics

Theoretical ethics is the study of the value judgments we apply to human choices and human behavior. What exactly do we mean when we say that someone or something is “good” or “bad,” and what basis do we have for making such judgments? There has never been a shortage of traditions and conventions that will answer these questions for you, but ethical theory requires you to do the hard work of discovering the truth about morality through your own independent thinking and rational argument.

Applied ethics is the application of ethical theory to particular questions and contexts. Applied ethics courses focus on a specific discipline or field, such as business, health care, politics, or criminal justice. Applied ethics brings ethical theory to life, and turns it into a useful tool for creating a life of purpose and value.

A minor in theoretical and applied ethics requires 18 credits, including PHI 120 Introduction to Ethical Theory, and 5 more classes from the following list. 

Anthropology Courses

ANT/SOC 206 Culture and Law

ANT/COM 208 Intercultural Communication

Communication Courses

COM 219 Communication Ethics

COM 247 Live News & Election Coverage

Humanistic Studies Courses

HUM 110 Moral Issues in Modern Society

Justice and Law Administration Courses (only 2 JLA courses can apply toward the minor)

JLA/SOC 201 Criminology

JLA/SOC 205—Juvenile Delinquency

JLA/SOC 336—White Collar Crime

JLA 408 Human Rights

Philosophy Courses

PHI 221 Ethical Issues in Business

PHI 223 Ethical Issues in Health Care

PHI 225 Ethics and Animals

PHI 227 Ethics in Computing

Political Science Courses

PS 201 Political Theory

PS 401 Global Conflict Resolution

PS 402 Violent and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution

Psychology Courses

PSY 309 Social Psychology and the Law

PSY 346 Moral Development

Social Sciences Courses

SS 401 Fundamentals of Conflict Resolution

SS 402 Mediation: Theory and Practice